
Sunday, August 26, 2012

From my pen

My oldest son is starting Kindergarten.  This is something I wrote for the both of us.

I'll be there

I was there to hear your heartbeat.
I was there when they placed you in my arms.
I was there when you cried out in the middle of the night.
I was there to sing you back to sleep.
I was there to see your first smile, 
to hear your first giggle, 
to feel the touch of your hand on my cheek.
I was there when you took your first step.
I was there to catch you when you fell.
I was there when you blew out your candle,
made your first birthday wish.
I was there when you were sick,
to rock you in my arms, 
to rejoice when you were well.

I was there, and I'll be there always.

I'll be there to guide and protect you.
I'll be there to listen and learn.
I 'll be there to see your triumphs,
to hear your challenges, 
to feel your disappointment.
I 'll be there to hold your hand on your first day of school.
I'll be there to encourage you,
to calm your fears,
 to keep you safe.
I'll be there to walk with you, 
to talk with you, 
and to let you go.
And I'll be there when the day is done,
to wrap you in a hug.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Flower pots

These are the decoupaged flower pots I made as table decorations for our back to school staff development meetingsOur theme this year is "A Family That Learns Together, Grows Together!"  It's going to be a blooming good year!

Personalized Metal Buckets

In addition to my painting, I like to decoupage and personalize metal buckets.  They make great gifts for any occasion.  It has been really neat to make these for my friends and family.

My latest piece

I just sold this cute turquoise desk, lightly distressed with heavy black glaze.  I am so excited to have my painting business off and running!